7 things we keep doing wrong every day without even realizing it

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Small details define us in many ways. For example, in some countries, it is common to eat while watching television while in other countries, eating requires a total state of consciousness. And in countries like Greece or Turkey, it is strictly forbidden to throw away toilet paper. We hardly think about these things because we find them so common, but it turns out that we might have been doing everyday tasks wrong all this time.

Check out the rest of these common things that Genial. guru compiled for you that you might have been doing wrong without realizing it.

1. Drinking a glass of water after a large meal

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Although the popular theory that water dilutes gastric juices is a myth, drinking a glass of water may not be the best idea, especially after a big meal. Water can indeed help you lose weight by making you feel less hungry, but after a big meal, drinking a glass of water can cause a bloated feeling. Drinking water slowly can also help you avoid gas and belching caused by swallowing air when you swallow.

2. Drinking ice water

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Drinking water might be the most natural thing in the world, and of course, a cold glass of the stuff is so refreshing during the summer, how bad can it be? But according to one study, drinking cold water worsened symptoms of digestive problems like achalasia. While cold water won’t make you sick, it could constrict blood vessels.

3. Storing tomatoes in the refrigerator

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It’s the age-old question: should I keep tomatoes in the refrigerator or on the counter? This depends on how ripe the tomatoes are. But ideally, you should do both. Your ideal storage temperature is around 55ºF. Although the refrigerator will keep ripe tomatoes from developing mold because most refrigerators are at 35ºF, ripe tomatoes will lose flavor. Fortunately, letting your ripe tomatoes rest for a couple of days on the counter after refrigerating them will restore their flavor.

4. Washing your face with freezing cold or very hot water

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While it may seem practical to wash your face while showering, if you shower with lukewarm water, this could be counterproductive. For one thing, it can cause your skin to produce more oil to compensate and ultimately dry it out. The best way to wash your face is with lukewarm or even cold water after showering, as it will make the puffiness go away.

5. Flushing with the lid off

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A simple thing like flushing with the lid down could have a dramatic impact on your health. Every time you flush it’s basically like your toilet is sneezing (experts call it a toilet plume). Since bacteria can be flushed up to 10 inches above the toilet when you flush with the lid closed, even your toothbrush is at risk of getting splashed with fecal matter.

6. Not washing tin cans before opening them

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Despite common belief, washing raw chicken can be counterproductive as it can contaminate other foods, utensils, and countertops. Cans, on the other hand, are hardly ever washed and are bad. It is recommended to wash them so that harmful particles do not fall into the food, especially if it is a soda can, for example, as you put it directly in your mouth.

7. Eating Pringles using A4

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You’ve probably been eating Pringles wrong, but that’s ok. Apparently, Pringles packaging is not only designed to keep the chips from falling apart during transport. In fact, by folding an A4 in half and just inserting it into the canister, you can take it in and out without the chips crumbling.